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How our digital strategy links to other plans and strategies

The digital strategy links to our other key strategies and our wider partnership work and collaboration.

As digital is an enabler for much of the work that we do, the digital strategy supports all of our strategies in some way, such as the County Durham Vision 2035 and Council Plan.

Other key strategies supported by the Digital Strategy include our:

  • Integrated Care Strategy
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Inclusive Economic Strategy
  • Climate Change Strategy
  • Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

County Durham Vision 2035

The County Durham Vision 2035 is a document developed with partners to provide a shared understanding of what everyone wants our county to look like in 15 years' time.

The County Durham Vision 2035 was written together with partner organisations and the public and sets out the shared long-term ambitions for the county. It provides strategic direction and enables us to work together more closely, removing organisational boundaries and co-delivering services for the benefit of our residents.

This content is part of our Digital strategy 2023-2028.

Read the next page: this is the end of our Digital Strategy document.

Read the previous page: Working with our partners and communities

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