Supporting special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - information leaflets for use by schools
Information leaflets for use by schools when supporting children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Attention difficulties
Autism and social communication
Cognition and learning
- Cognition and Learning Motor and Sensory Team (PDF) [698KB]
- Specific learning difficulties (PDF) [4MB]
- Are you sitting comfortably? (PDF) [3MB]
- Reading Difficulties (PDF) [4MB]
Communication and interaction
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Arabic students in English schools (PDF) [3MB]
- Assessing English as an additional language (EAL) pupils - information for secondary schools (PDF) [2MB]
- English literature for new arrivals (PDF) [477KB]
- Supporting children with English as an additional language - information for primary school teaching assistants (PDF) [317KB]
- Supporting children with English as an additional language - information for teaching assistants/peer mentors (PDF) [313KB]
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT)
Health needs
- Students with health needs (PDF) [351KB]
- Making Mental Health Everybody's Business - A Practitioner's Guide (PDF) [543KB]
Hearing impairment
- Deaf awareness in your classroom (PDF) [1MB]
- Providing transport for hearing impaired children (PDF) [188KB]
Movement difficulties
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
- An introduction to social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) - CPD training for school based staff (PDF) [459KB]
- Social, emotional and mental health (PDF) [899KB]
Sensory impairment
Using symbols
Visual impairment
- Children and young people who have a visual impairment (PDF) [883KB]
- Strategies to support pupils who are visually impaired (PDF) [1MB]
- Tips for working with children with a visual impairment (PDF) [817KB]
- Training visual skills (PDF) [886KB]
- Working with a child with a visual impairment (PDF) [1013KB]