Council Performance
We work hard to provide the best services for people living in, working in and visiting County Durham. To measure how we are doing and find where we need to improve, we monitor a set of performance indicators.
Quarterly reports
Results show how we compare to other councils and where changes need to be made. This information is compiled in our quarterly reports and is discussed at cabinet meetings every quarter.
Our quarterly reports present a summary of the council's performance.
Annual reports
Statement of accounts
We produce a Statement of Accounts each year in accordance with legal requirements and the Accounting Code of Practice, which sets out our financial performance and spending for the year.
Data quality
We recognise the importance of having reliable information to deliver and manage services, inform users and improve performance. Good quality, accurate and timely data is essential to provide reliable performance and financial information to support decision-making at all levels. We are committed to high standards of data quality.
We take every care to ensure that the data and information used in performance management is accurate, valid, reliable, timely, relevant, secure, accessible and complete, in line with our Data quality policy (PDF) [402KB] .
Customer service charter and standards
We're committed to providing high standards of customer service. Our customer services strategy, charter and standards have been shaped through consultation with local people and we provide regular performance reports to show you how we're doing.
Overview and Scrutiny annual report
Overview and scrutiny is an important part of the Government's drive to modernise local government and is at the heart of a councillor's role as an elected representative.
Please Contact Overview and Scrutiny at Scrutiny for a copy of the Overview and Scrutiny annual report.
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- Telephone 03000 268 015
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- Telephone 03000 265 978