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Equipment and services in your home

Do you need help to remain in your own house? Find information about adaptations to your home, equipment to help you carry out everyday activities and personal care.

Visit our Locate - care and support in County Durham website for information, advice and services to help you live independently.

There are many we could help you remain living independently in your own home. They include:

Home adaptations

An adaptation is a change to your home which will help you stay independent and safe. If you have a carer it may also help them look after you. Many companies can help adapt your home - you'll find details on our Locate - care and support in County Durham website. If you live in social housing your landlord may be able to help.

See Adapting your home to meet your needs for further information.

If you struggle to get around the house safely because you are elderly or disabled, a disabled facilities grant could help fund suitable adaptations to your property. 

Equipment help and advice

The Equipment Advice Service offers free impartial advice and guidance to help you choose the right equipment.

Borrowing equipment

The Community Equipment Service specialises in lending equipment to people who are ill or disabled to help with their nursing, social and rehabilitation care. Speak to your social worker or care coordinator to discuss your needs.

If you have borrowed equipment that you no longer require please contact Medequip who will arrange to collect it, on 01325 524 531 or

Personal alarms and sensors (telecare)

Telecare alarm and sensor systems can recognise when there might be an emergency situation or problem. They can detect if you have an accident, if you're unwell or you need help at home. Equipment is linked to a community alarm service or, by a pager, to a relative or carer. You can find out about, and apply for them through Care Connect - our community alarm service.

Short term therapy and support (reablement)

Reablement is short term therapy and support. It can help people who need to relearn skills or master new skills because of poor health, disability, impairment or an accident, or could help people find new ways of manging their routines if their needs have significantly changed.

These types of short term support services last a maximum of six weeks and can help you carry out  your daily activities and practical tasks whilst you regain the skills and confidence to do these yourself. You might also need to learn new skills to help you keep your independence.

See Reablement for further information.

Home care

These are services which are provided in your home. You can get help with personal care including:

  • washing and bathing
  • eating and drinking
  • getting up and going to bed
  • help with preparing meals, laundry and shopping.

You can find home care services listed on our Locate - care and support in County Durham website. Note: subsidised home care is only provided to those assessed as having eligible social care needs - see Eligibility criteria for adults with care and support needs.

Meals to your home

You'll find lots of meal providers on our Locate - care and support in County Durham website - some of these will deliver to your home. Note: we will not pay for meals, or their delivery, even if you are eligible for care and support.

Sitting and visiting

Some organisations and charities provide sitting and visiting services for companionship, support and/or personal care for adults who need care at home. These services can also give carers the opportunity to take a break from their caring role.

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