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Getting your child ready for school by supporting their speech and language

As a parent, you know your child best and spend the most time with them. You are key in supporting their speech, language and communication.

Supporting your child's speech and language development at home through Chat, Play, Read!

Chatting, playing and reading are all fun ways to bond with your child at home and will help them with their talking and getting ready to learn in school.

Tips and advice for supporting your child at home

There are lots of things you can do at home to support speech, language and communication development.

The NHS has produced a video on top tips - see the Children's Speech and Language Therapy - online video resources page on their website.

Here are some activity ideas you can do with your child to practice chat, playing and reading together at home and out and about in County Durham: 

Words for Life - Chat, play, read interactive activity booklets

You could also visit your local library or the mobile library to borrow a book or join in with a rhyme or story time. See Activities in our libraries for more information.

What to expect and when

For information on what to expect and when with your child's talking, these websites are useful:

Visit your local Family Hub if you are worried about your child's progress

If you have tried the above ideas and are worried about your child's progress with speech and language, please discuss this with professionals that know your child (for example; their health visitor, early years teaching professionals, GP, etc.) or visit your local Family Hub (Find out what's on at your nearest Family Hub) and speak to one of our Communication Champions to request a quick Language Screening and more specific help for your child:

We also have advice on our talking tips pages (these are also available as leaflets to pick up from your local Family Hub):

There are also Family Hub run groups that you can join with your child to help with their understanding and talking:

You can also lend some toys from your Family Hub to play and talk with your child at home, please talk to the Communication Champion in your local hub.

Next steps

If there are still concerns about your child's speech and language a professional may suggest a referral to Children's Speech and Language Therapy - see NHS: Children’s Speech and Language Therapy for more information.

Speech and Language UK also have a free advice line where you can Talk to a speech and language therapist.

Useful websites

Language and communication skills unlock literacy. To learn more about the building blocks of language development and even more ideas to help your child get ready for school, please visit:

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