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Consultation on our Statement of Licensing Policy

Have your say on the review of our Statement of Licensing Policy, which we must legally update at least every five years.

Thank you to everyone that took part in the consultation. We received 59 responses to the consultation. The Statement of Licensing Policy review will be reported to Statutory Licensing Committee on Monday 15th July 2024 for consideration followed by adoption by full council in September 2024. For more information visit Statutory Licensing Committee 15 July 2024.


Our current Licensing Act 2003 Policy runs from 2019-2024. The policy sets out how we carry out our licensing functions in County Durham to help with our four objectives::

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

It also covers the licensable activities of the:

  • retail sale of alcohol
  • supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club
  • provision of regulated entertainment
  • provision of late-night refreshment such as live music, film, indoor sporting events

What we are consulting on

We are now reviewing the current policy. We want to understand if it provides sufficient and satisfactory information on the three licensing objectives, and in particular::

  • the problem of drink spiking
  • licensing hours and opening hours
  • sexual harassment and misconduct and gender-based violence

We also want to know if you think there is anything missing from the policy.

Have your say

The closing date for comments was 5.00pm on Friday 3 May 2024.

Next steps

Following the consultation, the final policy will be presented to the General Licensing and Registration Committee and a full council meeting for approval.

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