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Beamish Museum

Client L was referred to the men's group from his Occupational Therapist at Derwent clinic (Adult Mental Health). Following a stroke several years ago he has been diagnosed with dementia. He is in his late 60s. He had been attending the walking group at Beamish for several weeks and had developed a good friendship with another walker, who was also wanting to join the men's group. Due to social distancing requirements earlier in 2021 we decided to have 2 smaller men's groups each week. L is currently in the afternoon group with 2-3 other men who are living with dementia.

How did Cree support?

Following discussions with L, along with his partner and his Occupational Therapist, the partnership were able to identify any support needs.  Regular weekly routines were essential for the group; ie same meeting place, same time.

They have been working with the rest of the team who facilitate the sessions to share knowledge and skills in supporting people living with dementia.  The team all plan the sessions beforehand to ensure that everyone's needs are supported as best as possible and everyone can participate and achieve well in the activities.

What has the impact been?

Over the past 7 months L has built up  a really strong friendship with everyone in the group.  He has attended every week and even rearranges appointments to ensure he doesn't miss a session!  As he is the youngest participant he has assumed the role of making sure the others are all ok, and offers help with tasks.  His self confidence has grown enormously, and he has been really engaging well with tasks that are totally new for him, such as DIY projects, and thoroughly enjoying learning new skills.   Before joining this group, and the walking group, he spent most of his time on his own at home while his partner was at work.  He was feeling very isolated, not useful at all and very bored.  He now has at least 2 activities here each week, now gets the bus independently and also enjoys coming for a walk on other days as he often sees some familiar faces here.


"I'd just like to say a big thank you to you all for everything you do.  A few months ago I was diagnosed with dementia and then the lady suggested I try this group.  I was really unsure, you know, and I wasn't sure what it would be like.  Would it be all 'old folkies?'  But it's been great, I really enjoy it, and you've all made me feel so welcome.  I can't thank you enough"

(He said this when we were all sat round the fire having a cup of tea at the end of the session.  He's not one for talking about emotions, and is usually making a joke about things, so this was a real surprise to hear him speak like this in front of the group)


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