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Our Resources service brings together service areas who work to provide corporate and business support to the council as well as delivering services to the residents of County Durham.

The Corporate Director of Resources is Paul Darby.

Resources Management Structure (PDF) [230KB]

This covers:

Resources has responsibility for producing the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP). This three-year plan, ensures that the appropriate resources are allocated to deliver our priorities and that efficiencies can be made through forward planning.  

Resources has responsibility for delivering key services. Our front-facing services include:

  • collecting council tax and business rates
  • payment of housing and council tax benefits
  • the registration of births, deaths and marriages

There are statutory roles within Resources including:

  • Section 151 Officer to administer our financial affairs

The services provided to staff include:

  • support to county councillors
  • payroll
  • financial accounting
  • staff development programmes
  • challenging practice and promoting continuous improvement across the council
  • supporting service improvement, innovation and partnership development
  • ensuring strong links between functions to take an overview of cross cutting issues
  • co-ordination of a strategic approach across all services and provide advice and support
  • our Corporate Improvement Programme
  • specific cross-service projects and programmes
  • training and guidance on project and programme management
  • corporate programme/project management methodology
  • the corporate project register

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