Reviewing and making representations about a club/premises licence
Under the Licensing Act 2003, responsible authorities and other persons have the right to make representations relating to premises/club premises applications or can apply for a review of an existing premises licence/club premises certificate.
Information regarding the circumstances in which representations can be made is on the Premises licence and club premises certificate webpages.
Who are other persons?
Other persons are deemed to be any individual, body or business.
Before 25 April 2012 only persons who lived or worked in the vicinity of the premises could make representations. However, now the 'vicinity test' does not apply allowing other persons to make representations regardless of their geographic location to the premises.
Who are responsible authorities?
- the licensing authority
- the chief officer of police
- the fire service
- the enforcing authority for Health and Safety at Work
- the local planning authority
- the local authority responsible for minimising or preventing the risk of pollution of the environment or of harm to human health
- the body representing matters relating to the protection of children from harm
- in relation to a vessel, the Navigation Authority, the Environment Agency or the British Waterways Board
- the local weights and measures authority
- the local health authority
Download List of responsible authorities (PDF, 98 KB) to see the contact addresses for the responsible authorities in County Durham:.