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Sixth form or college information for care leavers

We want to make sure that when you leave care, you are able to achieve the goals you set yourself. We want you to succeed in your education, training and employment.

Finding a course

We can help you to find a course at college or sixth form, explore with you what you want to achieve and help you make a realistic plan to get there.

All colleges and sixth forms have a member of staff who supports young people in care and care leavers and they'll be able to give you lots of advice and support too.

Money to study

If you are aged 16-18 and study full-time you will be able to get a 'bursary' worth up to £1,200. This will be paid to you by your college, sixth form or training centre. 

A bursary is money that you can use to pay for things like clothing, books, equipment for your course, transport and lunch on the days you study or train.

Deciding what to do when you leave school

Deciding which college, sixth form or what training you will follow after completing Year 11 is a big decision. It will be important to consider a few options before making your final choice. Your Young Person's Advisor (YPA) and your Virtual School caseworker will give you lots of advice and guidance as part of your Year 11 'PEP meetings' and as part of your pathway plan where you will set out goals for your future.

The move from Year 11 to further education can be challenging especially if you are moving home at the same time or at a later stage. Your Young Person's Advisor (YPA) and your Virtual School caseworker will work closely with you to make sure any changes affecting your education are as smoothly as possible.

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