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The Durham Virtual School - supporting our looked after and previously looked after children and young people

Our Virtual School promotes the education of looked after children and previously looked after children and young people.

See our Durham Virtual School (for looked after children and young people) - support for carers page for support with online learning if you have chosen to keep your child at home.

Our Virtual School offers support and guidance to:

  • Looked after children and care leavers up to the age of 25.
  • Parents and carers of looked after children, previously looked after children and care leavers.
  • Schools and other organisations providing education for looked after children, previously looked after children and care leavers.

Our aspirations for our children are that they:

  • attend a school which best meets their needs
  • attend school regularly
  • make progress and achieve similarly to their peers based on previous assessments
  • receive the same support from their foster carers as they would from a good parent
  • have a voice that positively impacts on the services they receive
  • have stability in care and their education placement
  • receive good advice and guidance to make sure they can progress into further education, employment and training and, where appropriate, university
  • receive recognition for their achievement and have their successes celebrated

SEND and Inclusion course directory

The SEND and Inclusion courses page includes details of courses currently available. The courses are mainly for school staff but parents, child care providers, health workers can also book onto these courses if appropriate.

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