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Wellbeing support for adult social care staff

Care staff are working in very difficult circumstances and it is important they are supported in their health and wellbeing. This page provides information on support for managers and staff.

The Durham and Darlington Care Home Wellbeing Service

The service provides wellbeing support for care home staff working in care homes for older people. They provide wellbeing resources, confidential 1 to 1 support for staff (in person or by telephone), whole home support (wellbeing visits) and runs wellbeing projects for both staff and residents. You can join Care Home Wellbeing – Durham and Darlington on Facebook where they provide wellbeing resources to help staff to take care in challenging times.  If you would like more information about the service can support you best or would like to request support, contact the service on 07909 881 632 or by email at

ICS: North East and North Cumbria Staff Wellbeing Hub

Free counselling and psychological support is available to any member of staff working in care in County Durham and details of other local services have been made available as sources of help and support, such as the Staff wellbeing hub - North East and North Cumbria ICS.

TEWV NHS Trust Mindfulness for health and social care staff

We know that social care staff care about looking after others. To look after others, it's important to take time to look after yourself too. Mindfulness is the natural capacity we all have to bring awareness and interest to what is happening in the present moment. Becoming more mindful can support our wellbeing and mental health. TEWV NHS Foundation Trust are offering a range of NHS: mindfulness sessions and courses to health and social care staff across the region.

Skills for Care Wellbeing resource

Skills for Care recognise that wellbeing at work relates to every aspect of working life, from the working environment to how the workforce feels about themselves. Stress and burn-out are real issues for adult social care staff and with the added challenges and restrictions of the pandemic, workforce wellbeing has never been so important. Supporting the health and wellbeing of the workforce is essential in making sure that people with care and support needs and their families receive good quality care so they can live as independently as possible. 

To support adult social care staff and their managers with their wellbeing there is a useful Skills for Care: Wellbeing resource.

Local Government Association (LGA) Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

The LGA have developed a website with key resources to support adult social care staff mental health and wellbeing during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond, which will be useful for our local providers. 

Going Home Checklist

The Going home checklist has been created by the NHS. Based around caring, listening and improving work-life by encouraging reflection and mindfulness at the end of each working day. Thinking of the role of the staff taking care of others each and every day. Turning that round to remember to take the time to ensure we look out for them after what can be a very stressful and long day. Although developed for the NHS, the free Going Home Checklist will be useful for social care staff noticeboards / wellbeing areas too.

Bereavement resources for the social care workforce

Losing someone close to you, whether it's a family member, friend or colleague, can be devastating. Working in the social care sector, you may also grieve the loss of residents or care users, particularly those with whom you had a longstanding and meaningful relationship. We hope that the resources on bereavement resources for the social care workforce help you during this very difficult time.

Recovery College online

The Recovery College provides a range of online educational courses and resources to people who might be struggling with mental health issues, covering topics such as stress, anxiety, mood changes, sleeping problems, trauma and adversity.  

Wellbeing for Life

Wellbeing for Life deliver courses that will support individuals and those who work with others, to raise their awareness in subjects that will improve their mental and physical health. Find out more at Wellbeing for Life: training opportunities. There are also some useful free wellbeing videos that can be accessed through the Wellbeing for Life County Durham on YouTube.

Support for unpaid carers

Some social care staff will also provide unpaid care to family, friends or neighbours who live in County Durham and may need some support to help them in that unpaid caring role outside of work. Durham County Carers Support is an independent, charitable organisation providing information, advice, and support to unpaid carers. They offer a wide range of local, confidential support services to adult carers and parent carers.

Covid-19 vaccination information

In County Durham, the NHS are delivering Covid-19 vaccinations at sites spread across the county and there are lots of vaccine drop ins that you can go to. For more information, visit NHS: Where and when you can you get a walk-in Covid-19 jab in County Durham.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC)  

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) fits with the NHS Forward View and NHS long term plan with its preventative approach and is about taking opportunities to raise the issue of healthy lifestyles and signposting if appropriate. As we know, starting the conversation with someone around changes to their lifestyle can be difficult, so the training is about building on your strengths / assets eg, good listener, good motivator - in a 'person or community centered approach'.

Better Health at Work Award

The Better Health at Work Award is free and available to all businesses in County Durham, regardless of size, location or type of business. Organisations will be supported by a dedicated workplace health team and have access to free workplace training including understanding stress and basic mental health. Many organisations already promote healthy lifestyles and consider the health of their employees. This Award will recognise the achievements of these organisations and help them move forward in a structured and supported way. Find out more and sign up to the Award at  Better Health at Work Award.

Help to stop smoking

Smoking is the primary cause of preventable illness and premature death. Never before has it been more important that smokers try to stop. Care staff that would like support to stop smoking can find out more on our tobacco and smoking page.

Help to reduce alcohol consumption

DrinkCoach is a free online tool for people who want to reduce or stop how much alcohol they drink. The DrinkCoach Alcohol Test is free, quick and confidential. It enables people to find out how risky their drinking is and to find local support options in the area, such as the County Durham drug and alcohol recovery services. The DrinkCoach App is free to download and lets people monitor their drinking, calorie intake and spending, and get a better understanding of how drinking affects them.

The Care Workers' Charity

The Care Workers’ Charity supports current and former care workers with one-off crisis grants and also mental wellbeing and health support. 

Help with your money

Help with your money includes a number of links to places where people can access advice and support with food, funding, debt and benefit advice and help with heating and energy bills and more.

Blue Light Card

Blue Light Card provides those in the NHS, emergency services, social care sector and armed forces with discounts online and in-store.

The National Gambling Support Network

The National Gambling Support Network, formerly known as, 'The National Gambling Treatment Service', is a group of organisations across Great Britain who provide free, confidential and personalised support for anyone who's experiencing problems from gambling, as well as those affected by someone else's gambling. If you're worried about your own or someone else's gambling, this service is totally free to access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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