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Festival of archaeology

The Festival of Archaeology, organised by the Council for British Archaeology, happens every year, and we usually celebrate it with events at Binchester Roman Fort. This year that is not possible, so we have created some resources for use by those who are entertaining or home-schooling budding young archaeologists to engage them in thinking about the past, and how different ways of living have affected the environment, in line with the climate change theme of this year's Festival.

Work through the sheets in order and discuss the images using the question as prompts for things to think about. Describe what the pictures are showing.

Refer to the previous image if needed and think about how things have changed, and why.

Write a short story about what each picture is showing and what the people who lived at that time would do on a normal day.

When you reach the picture of County Durham today, look around where you live and think about what the things in your house are made from and where those materials came from. What do you think are the impacts on the environment of getting that material?

Think about the future. Draw a picture or write a story about how people will live 100 years from now. What will their houses be made from? How will they travel? What will they eat? What will they have in their homes? What will things be made of?


Crib sheet

We have also produced a useful crib sheet to help you. You can download this at  Crib Sheet - Festival of Archaeology 2020 (PDF) [145KB] .

If you are asked any questions you can't answer about the past, contact us and we will do our best to help!


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  • Archaeology For All - Council for British Archaeology

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