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Sniperley to County Hall footpath and active travel route improvements

Work to improve the footpaths and active travel routes between Sniperley and County Hall (A691 Southfield Way and B6532) will start on the week beginning 20 May 2024.

The work will:

  • link key employment sites and residential areas
  • provide an alternative travel option in and out of the city
  • upgrade the crossing points between County Hall and the University Hospital of North Durham on the B6532
  • improve street lighting in the area

The work will be done in phases to reduce the effect on motorists, but delays are expected on some routes.

First phase

The work will start on the A691 Southfield Way from the County Hall roundabout to the mini-roundabout leading to the hospital and Land Registry car parks.

  • There will be temporary traffic lights between 9.30am and 3.30pm for approximately one week, then there will be a lane closure leading to County Hall for approximately eight weeks. 
  • The pedestrian island between North End and A691 Southfield Way will be temporarily removed to allow for traffic lights.
  • There will be some footpath diversions through Old Dryburn Way throughout the work.

Second phase

This will affect the footpath at the roundabout between the Land Registry and the hospital heading out of the city towards Sniperley roundabout.

There will be lane closures around Sniperley roundabout.

To minimise the impact on motorists, we hope to do the work during the school summer holidays.

Next phases

The rest of the work programme is being developed and will be made available as soon as possible. We recommend that if you are driving into the city during the work you allow extra time for your journey.

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