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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

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How to identify and treat undernutrition in learning disability and other care settings

Delivered in partnership with 'Focus on Undernutrition', this training will teach you how to identify and treat undernutrition when working with individuals in a learning disability and other care settings.

Who the course is for

This specialist training is recommended for all staff involved with any aspect of the provision of nutrition and hydration in their learning disability and other care settings such as:

  • managers
  • nurses
  • senior carers
  • care assistants
  • housekeepers
  • catering staff

It is recommended staff will discuss and develop this work with their line manager.

Learning method

This course is provided as an online programme, consisting of five modules. Each module is followed by a multiple choice quiz.

What you will learn

By completing this course, you will gain knowledge of how to identify and treat undernutrition.

You will cover: 

  • What is undernutrition.
  • How to identify undernutrition including:
  1. Using 'MUST' to determine risk of undernutrition
  2. How to determine height from ulna
  3. How to determine weight change from mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)
  •  How to treat undernutrition, including:
  1.  Food based treatments (nourishing snacks and drinks, fortified diets)
  2.  Appropriate use and monitoring of prescribed nutritional supplements
  3.  Appropriate referral to a dietitian
  • The importance of hydration.
  • Nutrition related documentation, including:
  1.  The development and reviewing of nutrition care plans
  2.  Good practice guidance for monitoring food and fluid intakes

Course benefits

  • Have a working knowledge of how to identify and treat undernutrition in a learning disability and other care settings.
  • Certificate following successful completion. 
  • As a result of the improved skills and knowledge the benefits of completing the course are:
  1.  Improved well-being
  2.  Improved resident satisfaction with food based treatments
  3.  Improved weights for people at risk of undernutrition
  4.  Reduction in the prevalence of undernutrition
  5.  50% reduction in pressure ulcers
  • Improved documentation through:
  1. Improved accuracy of screening for undernutrition using the Focus on Undernutrition 'MUST' nutritional screening tool
  2. Nutritional care planning
  3. Food and fluid monitoring charts
  • Improve patient safety through:
  1.  Reduced GP/healthcare visits and hospital admissions
  2.  Improved clinical outcomes, such as reduced pressure sores and falls
  3.  Reduced prescribing of nutritional supplements
  • Fulfilment of CQC regulation requirements and other national requirements.
  • Improved team building by improving working relationships between catering and healthcare staff through setting common goals and objectives linked to nutritional care.
  • Improved staff motivation and confidence in nutritional care through the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

To request a place on this course please complete the form at How to identify and treat undernutrition in learning disability and other care settings.

Care Academy Care Academy - mobile version

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