How we ensure fair recruitment
Our selection process is objective, consistent, and non-discriminatory.
- We offer a 'guaranteed interview scheme' which gives people who declare they have a disability, are a care leaver or looked after young person, or in the armed forces or a veteran and can demonstrate they meet the essential criteria of the role to be shortlisted and interviewed.
- We are pro-active in supporting reasonable adjustments within the recruitment process for disabled people, and can potentially offer:
- alternative formats for job applications
- more detailed or pictorial instructions for interview
- support from an appropriate person at the interview
- additional time to complete applications (and or tests) where appropriate
- adjustments to interview venue or accommodation, testing and interview questions
- interview questions in advance
- All personal information is removed during the shortlisting process, so application forms are only judged on skills and experience, rather than personal information.
- Lead officers attend Equality and Diversity and Recruitment and Selection training before able to interview
- We ask for Equal Opportunities information as part of the application process to monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment. This information is anonymous and does not form part of the selection process.
- Email
- Telephone 03000 26 0000