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Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities

People with disabilities should tell health and care services what reasonable adjustments they might need to support them to access services.

The Equality Act 2010 says all health and care organisations must make changes to their services so they can be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes people with a physical disability or a sensory disability, people with a learning disability or autistic people and people with a long term condition such as dementia.

Reasonable adjustments can sometimes be small changes such as:

  • providing information in an easy read format
  • installing a ramp
  • providing a longer appointment time

Reasonable adjustments can also be quite complicated to arrange and sometimes need lots of planning across health and care teams for people who have complex needs.

Reasonable adjustments are individual and should be tailored to the person.

It's really important to speak to your health and care professionals and tell them about the reasonable adjustments you, or your loved one, may need.

Information for professionals

The North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network have developed a range of resources to support people with a learning disability and autistic people to help communicate what reasonable adjustments they might need to their health or care professionals. See North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network: Reasonable adjustments for more information.

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