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How your community organisation can become a Welcome Space

Can your organisation offer a space where someone can go to find company and stay warm, well and safe this winter? If so, join our Welcome Spaces Network.

We know that many organisations across County Durham already provide the facilities of a welcome space. If yours is one of those, we're asking you to consider joining our Welcome Spaces Network and be promoted to residents as a Welcome Space near them.

You can apply for a grant or access support for your voluntary community organisation through County Durham Community Foundation Welcome Spaces Grants

If you operate in one or more of the areas that believe housing operates you may be eligible for their Believe Housing: community funding.

Free training for Welcome Spaces

To help organisations set up Welcome Spaces we are offering free training to help organisations who need it. Details of this will be provided when you make your application or register your welcome space. Training on offer includes:

  • where to signpost people to for advice and support
  • making the most of your income 
  • safeguarding
  • domestic abuse awareness
  • mental health first aid
  • risk assessments

Other support

When you register your welcome space, we'll provide you with posters to show you offer a Welcome Space.



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