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Consultation on our Children, Young People and Families' Strategy 2023-2025 (phase three)

In the Autumn 2022, we asked you what you thought of our draft strategy for children, young people and families, 'Growing Up in County Durham'. This was the final phase of a three stage consultation.

What's the latest?

Following this final stage, the Growing Up in County Durham Strategy 2023 - 25 was endorsed by our Cabinet in November 2022. You can read the report, which includes the finalised strategy and details of the consultation and feedback received, under agenda item 6 on the Cabinet meeting Wednesday 16 November 2022 web page.

Now the strategy has been agreed, partners are developing and implementing detailed plans to achieve the 10 high level actions identified in the strategy.


During 2022, we worked with you, children's services professionals and representatives from the voluntary and community sector, to understand what needs to be included in our next three year strategy to help make County Durham an even better home for children, young people and families. 

Along with local data on how our children, young people and families are doing, we developed seven priority areas with you in phase 1, which we asked you about in stage 2 of the consultation. From this work, we then produced a draft strategy, which we asked for your views on, in a final stage of consultation in the Autumn of 2022.

Have your say

The closing date for comments was 11.59pm on Wednesday 12 October 2022. Thank you to all those who took part.

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