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SEND and Inclusion course directory - sensory and physical courses

Find out about our sensory and physical courses.

You can book a place for any of the courses on this page online using your Synergy account.

Please contact IT on 03000 261100 if you experience any difficulties with your Synergy account.

For further information on any of the courses, contact us at or by phone on 03000 263333.

List of courses

Use the links below to view full details of each course:

Course details

Assessment of risk and pupil needs

Description: Risk assessment and management of medical and physical needs. Promoting inclusive practice to improve outcomes and opportunities for pupils with physical disabilities and medical conditions.

This training will enable delegated school staff to carry out risk assessments, ensure safety for staff and pupils, promote inclusion and independence for pupils with medical conditions and physical needs.


  • Legal duties and requirements.
  • Assessing pupil needs.
  • Risk assessment process.
  • Personal on the spot risk assessment.
  • Completion of risk assessment documents and putting in place safe systems of work.

Who the course is for: This training is suitable for staff responsible for carrying our risk assessments relating to managing pupil needs at school.

Course date and time: 14 October 2021, 20 January 2022, 16 June 2022, 9.15am - 12.30pm

Where: Education Development Centre

Cost: £80 per delegate

Cancellation terms: One week

Supporting pupils with toileting and intimate care needs in nursery and primary school

Description: Course will examine difficulties associated with on-going toileting issues including wetting/soiling accidents, supporting development and independence for pupils with toileting issues and promoting inclusive practice to improve outcomes and opportunities for pupils with toileting needs.

  • Explore reasons/causes of wetting/soiling in children.
  • Advice and practical strategies to promote independent toileting and self-help skills.
  • Support for implementing a home-school toileting plan.


  • Legal duties and responsibilities - Local authority guidance on toileting/intimate care and supporting pupils with toileting needs.
  • Strategies to promote toileting and self-help skills.
  • Strategies for home school approach.

Who the course is for: This training is suitable for staff work with and support pupils with toileting and personal care, and are responsible for ensuring pupils with additional needs are supported as required, their needs are met and promoting inclusive practices (managers/SENCos)

Course date and time: 18 November 2021, 10 March 2022, 12 May 2022, 9.15am - 12.30pm

Where: Education Development Centre

Cost: £80 per delegate

Cancellation terms: One week

Moving and handling and back awareness training

Description: Supporting development and independence for pupils with physical and mobility needs. Promoting inclusive practice to improve outcomes and opportunities for pupils with physical and mobility needs. Promoting back care awareness and safe moving and handling for staff in the workplace.

Outline of course:

  • Implications of poor manual handling practice.
  • Typical manual handling injuries.
  • Legal duties and requirements.
  • Spinal awareness/Causes of muscular skeletal injury.
  • Individual personal and occupational risk factors.
  • Minimal manual handling policy.


  • Legal duties and responsibilities - LA guidance on minimum manual handling policies and supporting pupils with physical/mobility needs.
  • Strategies to promote self-help skills.
  • Principles/techniques for safe moving and handling when working with pupils.
  • Specific techniques can also be discussed and demonstrated.

Who the course is for: This training is suitable for staff work with and support pupils with toileting and personal care, and are responsible for ensuring pupils with additional needs are supported as required, their needs are met and promoting inclusive practices (managers/SENCos)

Course date and time: To be arranged with educational setting.

Where: To be arranged with educational setting.

Cost: £580 half day, £290twilight - up to 25-30 staff.

Cancellation terms: One week


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