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Apply for the temporary closure of a public right of ways

As the highway authority, we can temporarily close public rights of way under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

All current closure notices are available on our Statutory notices page.

We need a request in writing detailing what is to be closed, why, when and for how long, together with any alternative routes. There should also be a plan showing what is closed, and an alternative route.

Section 14(1) - closure

This allows for:

  • roads and footways (paths beside roads) to be closed for up to 18 months
  • other footpaths and public rights of way to be closed for up to six months

These requests must be submitted at least eight weeks before the closure is required.

Apply through our Street works permit scheme.

Section 14 (2) - emergency closure

This allows for:

  • emergency closures of up to 21 days (routes must be inaccessible or dangerous for the public to use for an emergency closure)
  • urgent closures up to five days in duration.

These requests must be submitted as soon as possible. 

Public Rights of Way Temporary Closure Application Form (PDF) [374KB]

Section 16 (a) - closure for event

This allows for:

  • temporary closures or other traffic regulation for events, but the event must be held on a right of way

Apply for a temporary right of way closure for an event


  • an emergency notice is a fixed fee of £298, and a short-term notice is a fixed fee of £340. We normally invoice for this amount once the closure has been approved.
  • longer term closures are approximately 1,400 based on a fixed fee of £478 plus the cost of two newspaper adverts (required by law) at approximately £450 each. Actual costs will be invoiced when known

What happens next

Under the legislation we need to 'consider alternative routes' and we can not obstruct pedestrian access to properties. Approved closures are deemed as necessary for works and as such consultations with local residents do not have to be undertaken. Objections to closures can be considered but not acted upon if we think the closure is necessary and is being undertaken and managed in the most effective manner.

If there is any doubt that work can not be completed within five days, it is advisable that an order (valid for up to six months for public rights of way) is the best choice.


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