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Find out about changes to our services and Christmas opening times on our Festive information page. To find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period, visit Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas.

Due to maintenance, the following systems will be unavailable from 11.45am on Tuesday 24 December until 8.00am on Thursday 2 January: our online Council Tax, business rates and housing benefit services, and our welfare assistance form. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee

The Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee is aligned to our 'Altogether Better for Children and Young People' priority theme.

Chair's welcome 

Durham County Council and partners have identified the following priorities:

  • Children and young people will enjoy the best start in life, good health and emotional wellbeing.
  • Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities will achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • Young people will have access to good quality education, training and employment.
  • All children and young people will have a safe childhood.

These priorities have resulted in work being done to ensure children and young people are supported to develop, achieve and attain. They are more resilient and reduce negative risk-taking behaviours. They are safeguarded and protected from harm; that early intervention and prevention services improve the outcomes for families and children who cannot live with their families achieve permanence and stability.

The priorities identified have been used to inform the Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny work programme and are kept in mind in all the committee's work.

More information on the committee's membership, meetings and meeting papers is available at Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee.

Contact Overview and Scrutiny for a copy of the work programme, or reports on our reviews.

Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee activity

The committee has engaged in the refresh of the following strategies:

  • Children, Young People's and Families Strategy (September 2022).
  • Sufficiency Strategy (January 2023).
  • Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (At AWHOSC July 2023).
  • Home to School Transport Proposals (September 2023).
  • Sexual Health Strategy (December 2023).

The committee has:

  • Monitored the work being done to reduce Child Poverty (September 2023).
  • Examined the work to support young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (November 2022).
  • Scrutinised the work done in Family Hubs (November 2023).
  • Reviewed the work of the 0-25 Families Health Services (November 2023).
  • Monitored the various aspects of Best Start in Life (November 2023).
  • Reviewed and commented on the partnership work relating to Neurodivergence (December 2023).
  • Scrutinised and provided comment on the evidence base for Children and Young People and Youth Vaping (December 2023).
  • Reviewed and commented on the partnership work taking place to prepare young people for adulthood (December 2023).
  • Reviewed the national policy changes relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (January 2024).

The committee has considered updates in relation to:

  • Pre birth Interventions (January 2024).
  • School Funding (November 2022).
  • Fun with Food (July 2023).

The committee has:

  • Monitored CAMHS Waiting Times in the county (July, September 2023).

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