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SEND e-learning courses

Two free e-learning course are available to help you understand the Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms set out in the Children and Families Act (2014), how we are implementing them, and about the Local Offer.

SEND: County Durham Practice Guidance

A short e-learning course for anyone working with children and families.


The SEND reforms set out in the Children and Families Act (2014), are the biggest reforms for meeting the needs of Children and Young People with SEND for over 30 years. This short e-learning course provides all front-line staff in education, health and care services with the fundamental of the SEND reforms and how to put them into practice.

Course content

The course consists of three modules:

  • Module 1 - introduces the SEND reforms and the SEND Code of Practice, and explains what SEND is
  • Module 2 - introduces the SEND strategy, details Durham's shared Vision and explains the roles of the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) and Designated Medical Office (DMO)
  • Module 3 - explains how to use and navigate the Local Offer system


By the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

  • The 2014 SEND reforms for Education, Health and Care
  • County Durham's Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
  • County Durham's graduated approach
  • The Local Offer and how to navigate it

How to access the course

If you work for the council, or in a County Durham school or academy go to: Durham Learning and Development: SEND - County Durham Practice Guidance.

If you work for a partner agency in County Durham, such as health, police or a childcare setting, you can self register at: Durham Learning and Development: registration for partners.

Contact us if you have any difficulty accessing the course.

SEND: Developing Your Practice

An e-learning course which is:

  • mandatory for all SEND and Inclusion staff
  • mandatory for SEND champions in Children and Young People's Services and Adult and Health Services
  • recommended for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) and Head Teachers
  • recommended for SEND Governors


The SEND reforms set out in the Children and Families Act (2014), are the biggest reforms for meeting the needs of Children and Young People with SEND for over 30 years. This e-learning course will support you to understand the reforms and how they will impact on your work.

Course content

The course consists of three modules:

  • Module 1 - provides an overview of the SEND reforms and the changes we have made in County Durham
  • Module 2 - explains the thinking behind new ways of working 
  • Module 3 - looks at funding and personal budgets


By the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

  • The SEND reforms
  • How we are implementing the SEND reforms in County Durham
  • The principles of the system
  • What you must and should do when assessing and planning for children with SEND
  • Funding provision within educational settings for children and young people with SEND
  • The different elements that may make up a personal budget

How to access the course

The course is only available to DCC staff at: Durham Learning and Development: SEND in County Durham - Developing your practice

Contact us if you have any difficulty accessing the course.

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