Cut down your waste
Find information about how and what to recycle and how you can reduce the amount of waste you produce.
Like our Recycle for County Durham Facebook page to get handy tips and information on reducing waste, reusing, recycling and composting.
- Our reuse and recycling A-Z tells you what you can recycle and where different recyclables go.
- Make sure you know what goes in which bin for your household bin collections.
- Make use of your local household waste recycling centres.
Replacing furniture
Replacing your television? Getting a new couch? Find out about reusing furniture and household items through one of our county's furniture reuse schemes.
Help your garden grow by composting your household waste.
Top tips to cut your waste
- Find out how to stop junk mail.
- Make your purchases kind to the environment with greener shopping habits.
- Reduce your waste at Christmas - shopping, food, card and tree recycling.
- Love food, hate waste - food planning, storage, preparation and leftovers.
- Use Cloth nappies.