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County Durham Domiciliary Care Registered Managers Network

You need to be a registered manager or senior support for a domiciliary care provider registered in County Durham to attend these meetings. There are guest speakers, training and information at each session.

Skills for Care will now be facilitating the Durham Domiciliary Care Registered Managers Network, dates for future meetings will be posted when available.

Dates of future meetings

To be confirmed.

Developing strong networks across the country

A message on behalf of Wendy Adams Locality Manager for Skills for Care.

Skills for Care are refreshing the membership lists for the Durham Domiciliary Care Registered Managers Network, as it is difficult to keep accurate records when people move jobs or organisations. The purpose of the network is to provide peer support and sharing of good practice. The network meets three to four times a year and is free to attend. There is a brief Microsoft Form so you can indicate if you would like to join the network. It will only take a couple of minutes to complete. Once everyone has completed the form (it should take less than two minutes), we will be sending out details of the network dates for the year.

Join the Network form


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