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Fake goods seized in run up to Christmas

Published December 13, 2023 10.10am

A large haul of counterfeit luxury designer goods, estimated to be worth tens of thousands of pounds, has been seized in County Durham.

Counterfeit goods Dec 2023

Some of the counterfeit goods seized

The goods, which included clothing, trainers, bedding and perfumes, were recovered from a storage facility in Chester-le-Street by our trading standards officers.

Two large vans-full of items were seized, including fake designer goods making unauthorised use of many well-known trade marks, including Nike, Adidas and Gucci.

The items came to light as part of an ongoing investigation by our council, which calculates that it confiscated over 1,500 items believed to breach the Trade Marks Act 1994.

Initial estimates suggest that the fraudulent items could be worth tens of thousands of pounds, but the substantial quantities involved mean that the final quantity and value of the goods, as well as details of all infringed trade marks, will not be known until a later stage of investigation.

A council spokesperson said: "Counterfeiting is far from being a victimless crime, having an impact on jobs in the legitimate manufacturing and retail sector. The trade in counterfeit goods can also be linked to other organised crime.

"Counterfeit goods can pose safety problems for consumers - with goods such as toys, cosmetics, electrical equipment and chargers, not being subjected to testing and not manufactured to meet safety standards. 

"Sales via the internet and social media are popular with consumers seeking bargains for Christmas - we would urge the public to check out the retailer and only buy from reputable sources to avoid the risk of disappointment of poor quality and potentially unsafe goods being bought as gifts."

Anyone with any concerns over products they have bought, or to report suspected counterfeit goods, can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

Find out more about the work of our Trading Standards team.


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