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Communities supported through County Durham Partnership

Published November 09, 2022 10.34am

Councillors at a North East authority will hear how partnership work has helped provide vital support to communities.

Cabinet will be given an update on the work carried out by the County Durham Partnership, a collective of key public, private and voluntary sector organisations working to improve the quality of life of people in County Durham.

Cost of living

Members will be told about the partnership's work to address current community issues such as cost of living challenges.

Through the partnership, we have been working with voluntary organisations and the Poverty Action Steering Group to develop a warm spaces network which will provide a place for people to stay warm, socialise and to get connected to essential services.

Our Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) have been working with residents in rural locations affected by the rising cost of living, particularly those who live in properties not connected to the gas grid network and those who have less access to large supermarkets selling cheaper goods.

Fun and Food

Cabinet will also be given an update on key initiatives carried out through the partnership this year, including £1.4 million allocated to Fun and Food projects over the summer holidays. This includes £434,753 allocated through AAPs to 90 community-run Fun and Food projects.

AAPs have also provided grants to Bishop Auckland College's Employability, Upskilling and Discretionary Project, aimed at supporting people who experience significant barriers in accessing work, training, or volunteering.

Economic Strategy

Consultation was carried out with partners and members of the public on our Inclusive Economic Strategy (IES) this year. The IES will be a key document to direct the county's economic growth through more and better jobs, in an inclusive, green economy, focusing on People, Productivity, Places, Promotion and Planet.

Cllr Amanda Hopgood, Leader of Durham County Council, said: "The County Durham Partnership is a vital collaboration between key organisations, services, and the voluntary sector to ensure our residents have the best possible chances in life.

"The partnership's report gives examples of key work that has been undertaken within the last 12 months to support communities and address arising issues, such as the current cost of living, as well as examples of positive outcomes of our action. We remain absolutely committed to working together and continuing this effort through 2023 and beyond."

Cabinet will hear the County Durham Partnership update when it meets on Wednesday, 16 November at 9.30am. Members of the public can view the meeting live at DCC on YouTube.

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